Let’s begin this blog with a description of myself, so you can at least somewhat imagine what I am like as a person. Maybe you know me, maybe you do not. Nonetheless, I believe it is proper to introduce myself, being this is about me. I am a nineteen year old girl, roughly three months shy of becoming twenty. I have short strawberry blonde hair that I haven’t dyed, nor care to fix, which is why it’s short. I am your typical white as a sheet of paper person, but it doesn’t take much to make me turn red.
Anyways, I am sure you’ll learn about me more later-- let’s get to the point of why I moved nine and a half hours from home on my own and ended up where I am now. I dated a boy for almost a year and decided to move out here for nursing school and to give love a chance, as the movies call it, and within a week and a half ended up single. Surprised? Probably not. But I sure was. My mother was diagnosed with two types of cancer (of which she is now recovering from very well-- she’s a trooper!), and well, let’s just say life was a shit storm for an entire semester. Towards the end of it all, my then roommate told me she was moving out. Well to me, why the hell would I stay in a smelly dorm, alone, when for just a little more a month I could live on my own? Spreading my wings! Proving myself!
And here I sit, eating Cinnamon Toast Crunch out of the box, seeing by the light of my laptop with my sheets on the ground, and surrounded by my eleven boxes and three duffel bags... It reminded me of the scene from Sex and the City as Carrie wrote on the floor of her place right before she moved in with Mr. Big...except I do not have a fantastic shoe collection...or a Mr. Big. Instead I have my stuff packed away in boxes labeled “Berry Colossal Crunch”, “Coco Roos”, or my favorite, “Honey Nut Scooters”. Thank you Wal-Mart, for such entertaining cereal names. No TV, no bed, no couch, no kitchen table...just a few personal items, clothes, and old text books. Cribs was begging me for an interview on MTV, but you know, I just didn’t have the time. HA. Forgot to mention my car is also dead! I have to get a new motor in it. For now I am borrowing my boss’s old bicycle. As you can imagine, riding a bike covered in frost in 16 degree weather is incredibly enjoyable. :-)
Anyways, I am going to try to sleep tonight, because I have to work tomorrow. Ah work. I am a waitress at a new restaurant in town. This is an entire different story in itself of which I am sure you will hear. Please let me note, I am not going to be complaining in this blog. In fact, despite everything you have read, life is actually quite pleasant. I am more explaining where I am at in life, attempting to implore some humor, because in all honesty, it’s hilarious. I believe everyone goes through something like this at some point, and it builds character.
So much has changed since these times!!! I got my car back, I got a cute couch, a queen sized bed, and got cable and internet AND a kitchen table... I am slowing acquiring appliances and am decorating with whatever cheap things I can find. So my place is a little tacky...but I love it because it's me. I even built my own coffee table and end table! I started classes and am a little worried, and still doubt if where I am at is where I am supposed today. But I am learning to do it all one day at a time...
I hope you enjoyed my first post! Feel free to give me feedback!
Also special shout out to my friend Nicole for inspiring me to finally write this!!!
Hey Maggie! It's Ashlie. I read through all of your blog posts today, and I have to say that I'm very impressed. I really enjoy reading these, so don't stop, okay? Much love!