Excuse me from the beginning because this particular post is going to be kind of a hodge-podge of stuff.
One: I have realized that waitressing just makes me want to rip my eyes out sometimes. I recently worked a cocktail party. Didn't get out of work until 3:30 am. Yes the tips were amazing, but was it really worth being in the same dirty work clothes that long and getting hit on by fifty some year old men?...ok the money was worth it. But still.
Two: School needs to be done for awhile. I'm about ready to go bonkers. I can see many are in my same boat because I am seeing, "UGH I WANT SUMMER", "I NEED A JOB", "I GOT ACCEPTED INTO __________", "BLAHHHH FINALS", and finally my personal favorite, "F$%& SCHOOL" posts all of the internet. I too am feeling many of these things and am ready to burst trying to finish out the semester strong.
Three: I have been baking a lot more lately, and also cooking. If anyone is interested, message me because I may put up a cooking post now and then, depending on the response it gets. It won't be some saucy newly married blog or single living "kiss the naked chef" post, but I have made some pretty amazing things that are cost effective and good for one or two people (which is all I am, and my boyfriend and I are these days...that is one or two people... ha).
Four: I still have not gotten caught with the cat in my apartment. I consider this a major win.
Five: I have discovered that you start to gather people in your life that are just stupid and mean for the sake of being on a power trip. Now as an adult you see these people as being dissatisfied with themselves and you quietly diagnose them with some basic psychology term you learned in a college class years ago, am I right? But every now and then you wish you could go back to your grade school days and give them a swift kick in the balls. But now that is called "assault". Damn.
Six: My garbage disposal is broken which is an issue for number four that I posted... if I am unable to be Rosy the Riveter on this one and fix it myself, I am going to have to play an extensive game of hide and seek between my cat, myself, and the repairman....
Anyhow-- I have company coming this weekend. I need to keep cleaning.
Have a great day <3